Stranger Things Over A Weekend

#watching #Netflix #StrangerThings season1 #betterlatethannever #iliketeevee

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#watching #StrangerThings season1 #milliebobbybrown #eleven #iliketeevee

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#SPOILER #StrangerThings (Season 1) deserved all it's accolades and success. One of the main reasons why it has taken me so long to watch this series on Netflix, was that by the time it aired, I had blogged and featured about it so ineccesently, there would not have been much left to "surprise" me, and had felt I needed to give myself a chance to "forget" about what I had featured about "somewhen", can came back to watch it with a much lesser memory or impression of it, somewhat "fresher", without knowledge of the series blogged about ... welcome to my #bloglife LOL And also, given the accolades heaped upon it "then", I'm the sort of guy who might feel pretty adversed to it LOL ... I hype stuff, but ironically I don't necessarily buy into the hype immediately ... well, I do, but ... you know what I mean, I hope :) The long "wait" for Season 2 has just begun for me now....

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