June 7, 2016

Where is my food, human??? #catlife #maolife

A photo posted by Andy Heng (@asliceofheng) on

#catlife #maolife

A photo posted by Andy Heng (@asliceofheng) on

My entire semester has been about power point slides up until now lol #worklife #henglife

A video posted by Andy Heng (@asliceofheng) on

Tired of meowing for food, the silly girl went and had a siesta instead... #maolife #catlife #ballofmeow

A photo posted by Andy Heng (@asliceofheng) on

Previously posted on my @toysrevil IG, this is my #ballofmeow montage :) #catlife #maolife

A photo posted by Andy Heng (@asliceofheng) on
