A Long Week with a Solemn Friday

The past few days had been fraught with uncertainty and anxiousness, beginning Wednesday night - coming home after a long day in school, and being unable to log-on to the household internet - which persisted till Friday afternoon, where I would be freed up to pursue whatever reasons for the non-connectivity (bearing in mind I am a technological idiot…), all the while reeling from energy spent in classes (fruitful and invigorating tho!) and mourning the passing of Prince (since finding out this morning) … but thankfully all was sorted before the sun set, giving me a somewhat elated feeling of "TGIF" I had never truly felt for YEARS…


A photo posted by Andy Heng (@asliceofheng) on

Sorting thru Dad's things proved a particular emotional time though, the sadness and feeling of loss, coupled with finding out things I've not known dad had kept, seeing familiar things, and generally calming me down from the recent troubles, tribulations and new experiences this week alone.

But finding our hand-drawn christmas cards (to dad) from 1981, broke me down - with a smile and a broken heart - cards which he'd kept in a folder, since hidden in a drawer we've not packed, since his passing. Puts things into a all-too-real perspective…

Happy Chritmas 1981, Pa.

A video posted by Andy Heng (@asliceofheng) on

I was talking to my mum yesterday about "reminiscing", and the ability and opportunity to reminisce, compared to folks who throw away their old stuff, to buy new ones to replace them - to me a generation of consumers and users, who can buy new memories when the old ones are chosen to be forgotten.

You search thru your treasure box of the past, and find things you've kept from decades back, warming your hearts, or tingles down collective backs … but it's another thing to find your past in someone else's box, someone you loved dearly and miss …

The week doesn't seem that fraught and anxious anymore.

